Buat Sahabat Seiman......

Monday, October 5, 2009

hmm...now i'll cont' my story about father. He is in his sixties now...has first heart attack in early 2005. my mom,the tough wife manage father thorougly....from ironing cloth, prepare drug, until administer insulin og humilin N each night.It is a sad story to know people close to us will go forever, isnt it?before, i always imagine what is my reaction when know that my beloved one is gone, but when the time come, i really cry so much....it is severe than just imagine it. This occur when father has his 1st heart attack, and doctor ask us to be prepared(if father die). I remember crying like mad in the commuter....dah xrasa malu ngn org2 yg memandang....

But, on the other hand, aku rasa brtuah to know the estimate time left for me to be with him. at least, i'll be ready....i think kematian tiba2 eg dalam kemalangan lbh tragis.....tb2 je hilang insan ksyngan...

berbalik crita aku n famili g tsik chini(sebenarnya, bukan kenyir), actually we're visiting my sister's mak mertua at kuantan...n my father is very excited to go to tsk chini.At first, i feel like father akan mnyusahkan tuan rumah untk bawa km ke sana(al maklum tmpat 2 bukan dkt), tapi mak mcm diamkn saja...maksud aku, slalunya, mak akan halang hasrat ayah yg suka ke sana sini(mak rasional skit orgnya...ayah slalunya xleh dok diam kalu pegi mana2,jadi mak akan halang hasrat ayah kalu ayah minta anak menantu bawanya ke mana2.ayah xda kereta, jd kalu nk g mana, kena ajak kakak2 atau abg ipar.mak dan aku rasa benda 2 akan susahkn org-diorg kan ada famili sndiri,kesibukan sendiri, tapi stkt ni, alhmdlh,diorg layan ayah je, bawa je ayah ke mana2,even sampai mghrib pun ). jadi, ksmplannya, aku pun heran bila mak mmbenarkan je ayah minta menantunya bw dia ke t.cini 2.....akhirnya, dlm prjalanan balik, bru my sister critakan sumenya.....i have a very limited time with him...but instead of make him smile always, i think i want to make him cry a bit, because he really need to cry.........

1 comment:

  1. moga diberi ketabahan..pedih juga sbnrnya menghadapinya..slmt berjuang(",)
